News — An Inclusive Shopping Experience
At Culver Square, we are proud supporters of the Purple Tuesday initiative that strives to make the customer experience accessible and inclusive for all and work hard to ensure that the experience when visiting Culver Square is a pleasant one for all.
When it comes to retail, typical store designs help boost a shopper’s mood, often influencing them into making a purchase. For many people, the experience can be quite the opposite. The combination of sounds, smells, lights and layout can make a simple shopping session stressful and challenging. We strive to make Culver Square a shopping centre where all visitors feel comfortable and cared for.
To show our commitment to improving the customer experience for disabled people we already:
– Ensure all our members of staff are trained in both Autism and Alzheimer’s awareness
– Host daily quiet hours from 9am to 10am
– Have a ‘The Meeting Place’ which is a safe place for vulnerable people to go if they need help
– Our staff wear purple badges with the message ‘Can I help you’ on them and the thumbs up so that people know that they are approachable and understandable
We have also made the commitment to:
– To carrying out a customer survey to find out how we can make improvements in Culver Square for our disabled customers, which will be carried out in the next 6 months
– We will then endeavour to make the improvements to the centre where possible
Purple – improving the customer experience for disabled people
– 8 out of 10 people are not born with their disability
– 19% of the UK population have a disability
– 4 million UK consumers have reported they have at least three impairments
– 15% of the world’s popular have a disability
– 45% of people over 65 have a disability
– 16% of the working age population has a disability
Find out more here
Hidden Disabilities
– Did you know globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability?
– And 80% of those are invisible!
– That is 1 billion people who are living with a non-visable disability
– There are hundreds of hidden disbilities from anxiety disorders to visual impairments
Find out more here